Microsoft offers free online learning tools to help jobseekers acquire new digital skills

Skills like software development can be learned online, allowing people to train from home for new digital based careers

Around the world, 2020 has emerged as one of the most challenging years in many of our lifetimes.

In six months, the world has endured multiple challenges, including a pandemic that has spurred a global economic crisis. As societies reopen, it’s apparent that the economy in July will not be what it was in January.

Increasingly, one of the key steps needed to foster a safe and successful economic recovery is expanded access to the digital skills needed to fill new jobs.

One of the keys to a genuinely inclusive recovery are programs to provide easier access to digital skills for people hardest hit by job losses, including those with lower incomes, women, and underrepresented minorities.

Below are some of the top jobs that have the most openings*, have had steady growth over the past four years, pay a living wage, and require skills that can be learned online.

LinkedIn Learning

Software developer

Software Developer

Top in-demand skills: Programming, storage, networking, security, and deployment; HTML, CSS, SQL, Javascript, Python

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Sales & marketing


Top in-demand skills: Negotiation, CRM, new business development, B2B, storytelling, social media

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Project manager

Project Manager

Top in-demand skills: Program management, process improvement, project performance

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IT administrator

IT administrator

Top in-demand skills: Manage systems, subscriptions, configuration, and identity; Windows Server, Active Directory

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Customer service specialist

Customer service specialist

Top in-demand skills: Customer satisfaction & experience, data entry, CRM, admin analysis

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IT support and help desk

IT support and help desk

Top in-demand skills: Troubleshooting, deployment, security, computer hardware, servers

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Data analyst

Data analyst

Top in-demand skills: Data analysis, analytics, visualisation; Microsoft Excel, SQL, BI, Tableau

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Financial analyst

Financial analyst

Top in-demand skills: Financial analysis, risk management, accounting, analytical skills, data analysis

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Graphic designer

Graphic designer

Top in-demand skills: Design systems, layout, colour; Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

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* Number of job openings posted globally in 2020