Special Carer, Grianan Day Centre, Isle of Lewis (7419) - FIXED TERM - CNS05108
- £28,535 to £29,615 per annum
- Part Time
- Contact: Please see description
- Reference: CNS05108
- Posted November, 28, 2024 12:00 AM
Advert Special Carer, Grianan Day Centre, Isle of Lewis (7419) 30 hours Per Week, Maternity Cover post £23,136 to £24,012 per annum, inclusive of £2,223 per annum Distant Islands Allowance A Special Carer is required ...
Special Carer, Grianan Day Centre, Isle of Lewis (7419)
30 hours Per Week, Maternity Cover post
£23,136 to £24,012 per annum, inclusive of £2,223 per annum Distant Islands Allowance
A Special Carer is required to work enthusiastically as a member of a team that promotes and supports Adults with Support Needs to actively take part within local resources and facilities, to maximise their inclusion and independence. You will provide individual attention to service users to enable them to participate in organised activities and act as their key worker.
You must have knowledge of the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001. Experience of working with people with additional needs and SVQ ll in Care (or equivalent) is essential. In the absence of this you must have the ability to undertake and achieve this qualification 36 months after registration with the SSSC.
This role requires the wearing and use of PPE.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with adults.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. This post is for the duration of the current post holders maternity leave.
Please see attached 'Job Description & Person Specification ' for further information.
Interviews will be conducted in person, providing candidates with the chance to personally meet the team and experience our work environment.
Closing Date: Monday 16 December 2024
Neach-cùraim Sònraichte, Ionad Latha Ghrianain, Eilean Leòdhais (7061)
30 uairean gach seachdain, dreuchd fad ùine Fòrladh Màthaireachd
£23,136 gu £24,012 gach bliadhna, a’ gabhail a-steach £2,223 gach bliadhna de Chuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach
Thathar a’ sireadh Neach-cùraim Sònraichte a dh’obraicheas gu dealasach mar bhall de sgioba a bhios ag adhartachadh agus a’ cur taic ri Inbhich le Feumalachdan Taice gus an urrainn dhaibh pàirt gnìomhach a ghabhail ann an goireasan ionadail, gus an in-ghabhail agus neo-eisimeileachd a mheudachadh chun ìre as motha. Bheir thu aire do luchd-cleachdaidh seirbheis fa leth gus an urrainn dhaibh pàirt a ghabhail ann an gnìomhan eagraichte, agus a bhith ag obair mar am prìomh neach-obrach aca.
Feumaidh eòlas a bhith agad air Achd Riaghladh Cùraim (Alba) 2001. Tha e riatanach gu bheil eòlas agad air a bhith ag obair le daoine aig a bheil feumalachdan a bharrachd, agus feumaidh SVQ II ann an Cùram (no teisteanas co-ionann) a bhith agad. Mur a h-eil seo agad, feumaidh comas a bhith agad an teisteanas seo a ghabhail os làimh agus a choileanadh 36 mìosan an dèidh clàradh le SSSC.
Tha cleachdadh còmhdach-dìon PPE riatanach san obair seo.
San dreuchd seo, feumaidh tu ballrachd de Sgeama Dìon Bhuidhnean So-leònta (PVG) a thaobh a bhith an sàs ann an obair riaghlaichte le Inbhich.
Tha tuarastal na dreuchd seo a’ gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach. Tha an dreuchd seo fad fòrladh màthaireachd an neach a tha anns an dreuchd an-dràsta.
Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh san Tuairisgeul Obrach agus san Tuairisgeul Pearsanta a tha an lùib seo.
Thèid agallamhan a chumail an làthair gu pearsanta, a’ toirt cothrom dha tagraichean coinneachadh ris an sgioba agus beachd fhaighinn air ar àrainneachd obrach
Ceann-latha: Diluain 16 Dùbhlachd 2024
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